Please read job descriptions before applying.

You’ve got the right skills. What you need is the right opportunity to unleash your potential. We agree, and we’re hiring! Every day is different at Safe Kit Security with diverse work assignments and flexible schedules. We are leaders in Professional training programs that cover every aspect of delivering world class security services. And every industry counts on us because we’re the very best at what we do. Perhaps you are, too.

In our complex world today, Safe Kit Security stands out as the largest privately owned security services company in the world. We’re experts at protecting people and assets. We’re also growing everywhere and expanding in multiple locations. If you’re a sharp, talented, self-confident individual who excels in customer service, you can build a future here. We give you all the tools you need to expand your skills and grow your career with exceptional opportunities for advancement. You can stand out – and thrive – here, too..

At Safe Kit, we know your compensation is important so we provide competitive hourly starting rates for every market we’re in. We're growing our team here in New Orleans, LA.

About the job:
  • Excellent customer service is always your top priority
  • You observe, survey the area and provide reporting on activity at your assigned location
  • You provide rapid response in critical situations
  • You’re good with reading and writing detailed reports
  • You know when and how to enforce customer procedures, regulations and standards

  • Your background:
  • You have a high school education or equivalent (GED)
  • You’re able to ace (and pass) an extensive screening process
  • If you have Security, Military, Law Enforcement experience – even better!
  • You have a state license if required

  • Apply Now!
    You’ve got the right skills. What you need is the right opportunity to unleash your potential. We agree, and we’re hiring! Every day is different at Safe Kit Security with diverse work assignments and flexible schedules. We are leaders in Professional training programs that cover every aspect of delivering world class security services. And every industry counts on us because we’re the very best at what we do. Perhaps you are, too.

    In our complex world today, Safe Kit Security stands out as the largest privately owned security services company in the world. We’re experts at protecting people and assets. We’re also growing everywhere and expanding in multiple locations. If you’re a sharp, talented, self-confident individual who excels in customer service, you can build a future here. We give you all the tools you need to expand your skills and grow your career with exceptional opportunities for advancement. You can stand out – and thrive – here, too..

    At Safe Kit, we know your compensation is important so we provide competitive hourly starting rates for every market we’re in. We're growing our team here in New Orleans, LA.

    About the job:
  • Excellent customer service is always your top priority.
  • You observe, survey the area and provide reporting on activity at your assigned location.
  • You provide rapid response in critical situations.
  • You’re good with reading and writing detailed reports.
  • You know when and how to enforce customer procedures, regulations and standards.

  • Your background:
  • You have a high school education or equivalent (GED)
  • You’re able to ace (and pass) an extensive screening process
  • If you have Security, Military, Law Enforcement experience – even better!
  • You have a state license if required.

  • Apply Now!